Friday, October 17, 2008

Week 8 Muddiest Point

I am not looking to do the minimum here, but I am curious about how much time I should dedicate to becoming fluent at this stuff. Beyond the scope of this class, is this a skill that it would be an advantage/necessity to have as a future librarian?

Week 8 Readings

After the initial intimidation, I really did enjoy the HTML tutorial. I saved the Cheatsheet to my desktop, although I don't think I'll be comfortable enough with it to wean myself from the tutorial anytime soon.

The CSS tutorial indicated that I should begin with a basic knowledge of HTML- which I don't feel completely familiar with yet, so I didn't get as far with this one.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Week 7 Readings

How Internet Infrastructure Works

Acronym Party!!

sooo...Let me get this straight:

ISP - internet service provider
POP - point of presence
NAP - network access point
IP - internet protocol (address)
DNS - domain name system
URL - uniform resource locater
FTP - file transfer protocol
HTTP - hypertext transfer protocol

Google Video

What amazes me is how Google is constantly putting out amazing products. From what I've read about the perks of working at Google, it's a miracle any work gets done there.

Muddiest Point

I'm getting a better understanding about how computer networks are set up but I'm having trouble understanding how routers work. I know their basic function, but I just don't get how they filter the information that comes through and know what to send where.